For The Love of Music: Tega Alexander, content creator, presenter and an all-around creative.
We talk to Tega Alexander about music, memory, dance and design.

Tega Alexander has many strings to his bow. He’s a highly creative content creator, with a wide range of credits both in front and behind the camera. You may even have seen him interviewing the stars on the red carpets of movie premieres. But, what’s really important to Tega is music. "Music is the key to my everyday life,” he says. “It drives almost everything that I do."
If you are reading this piece, then it’s pretty certain you share that feeling in some way or another. Music is everywhere today, in a way it hasn’t been before, but actually listening to music as opposed to being exposed to it while shopping, there’s where the magic lies.
"Good sound is important to me and my experience with music, because it allows you to really immerse yourself in the music itself,” he says. “Being able to listen to music how I think the artist intended it, I think really helps you connect to it differently."

Early exposure
Tega’s passion for music began when he was young, and came about through the medium of dance. "Dance was one of the first things that propelled me into creativity,” Tega recalls. “The relationship you form with dance and the self-exploration that dance actually takes you on allows you to connect with so many other art forms as well."
Music videos were obviously a large part of that, blending the elements of movement, music and visual storytelling – all of which are things that are still important to Tega today, both in terms of work, pleasure and that sense of escape.
Music and memory
"Music does definitely offer an escape when I need to,” Tega says. “But I think for me, music acts like a really beautiful time stamp. Music and nostalgia I think are quite closely linked."
This really resonates with music fans, and as anyone with a record collection knows, picking a record off your shelf immediately brings back memories; thoughts of where you bought that record, but also who you were at that time in your life, your partner at the time, and many other recollections and emotions. Music has the power to place you back in the moment, in a truly Proustian sense.
As Tega says: “If I think back to sort of the first time I heard some of my favourite songs, mentally, it puts me right back in that place. Music for me acts like a beautiful timeline through life, and a way of being able to step in and out of certain periods or experiences."

Collecting records
Which brings us to Tega’s fledgling vinyl collection. "My vinyl collection is actually very new,’ he says. “Aretha Franklin's Greatest Hits was the first record I bought. I thought it was a very safe bet and a good way to start, and I've kind of built from that."
Tega has plans to expand his collection, especially now he is enjoying his new Bowers & Wilkins 606 S3 loudspeakers. And the act of playing and listening to records also fits into his view on life.
"I like the intentionality about it because when it comes to picking a record, you have to physically go over there, you have to flick through, you have to be conscious of the mood that you're in."
"I also love the ownership and also the artwork side of things, because you can see from a lot of the covers, you can see that artists really express themselves as well."
Music discovery plays a vital role in any music fan’s life, and Tega is no different in that respect. "I have a couple of processes for discovering new music,” he tells us. “I’m very happy to just walk into a record store and just flick through, and also speak to the people at the store."
Tega is a big fan of Sounds of The Universe in London’s Soho, and anyone who has had the joy of visiting this iconic establishment will completely understand the pleasure that would entail. The variety and quality on offer there is incredible.
But Tega is a very modern man. "I also love finding new artists on things like Spotify Radio. It takes you down a rabbit hole of new music and you end up coming out of there with new artists or new genres that actually might be really enjoyable."

Sound quality
When it comes to his hi-fi system, Tega is insistent on top-notch sound quality. "Having a Hi-Fi system at home helps elevate the experience of listening to music.” Tega says. “It’s as close as you can get to live music without actually being there."
But design is also important, which is why Tega decided to choose the Bowers & Wilkins 606 S3s in their elegant Oak finish with white baffle. A design that fits perfectly into his personal style.
“I feel like you want something clean looking. But you also want speakers where people who walk into your space know that you take your music seriously."
You can start your own musical journey with the 600 Series here.