Commercial Audio

Every commercial space can sound divine.
Redefining what commercial spaces sound like

Every commercial space, no matter if it’s a hotel, a restaurant, a store, or a resort, is partly defined by its sound. Bowers & Wilkins can deliver the audio quality to enhance your customers’ experience without dominating it.

Innovative options for commercial spaces

Commercial spaces make very specific demands on their speaker systems. That’s why Bowers & Wilkins uses an experienced team of engineering experts to develop bespoke solutions – because the sound your space makes is crucial to its success.

Getting the balance absolutely right

Delivering great sound is a challenge, which is why we consider every aspect of the acoustics in your commercial space. Bass with presence but doesn’t dominate, optimal speaker placement, proper acoustic balance – we think of everything.

Discretion and power in equal measure

Some of Europe’s most stylish resorts and hotels enjoy bespoke Bowers & Wilkins sound.

Explore our range of integrated solutions

Experience True Sound with official Bowers & Wilkins retailers.

Highly skilled experts

Official Bowers & Wilkins custom installers employ highly experienced staff, able and willing to answer your questions and aid your decision making.

Find the ideal system for you

Speak to one of our accredited professional installers to discuss the system of your dreams.

Complete solution

Official Bowers & Wilkins installers will be able to work with you through every stage of your journey.